You should first understand virgin hair & Remy hair.

First, both virgin hair and Remy hair are made from human hair.
Virgin Hair
Virgin hair refers to hair that has never been chemically treated or processed in any way. It is completely natural and has not undergone procedures such as dyeing, perming, or bleaching. Due to its pristine condition and inherent strength, it tends to have a longer lifespan and is often priced higher.
Remy Hair
Remy hair may originate from various donors and undergo chemical treatments like dyeing. During the manufacturing process, the hair cuticles may not always be uniformly aligned. As a result, Remy hair can be prone to tangling and dryness over time. However, its cost-effectiveness also makes it an appealing choice for many.
What are the advantages of virgin hair & Remy hair?

Virgin Hair

1. Exceptional Purity:
It retains its pure, unaltered state, making it the highest quality human hair available.

2. Durability:
Due to its untouched condition, virgin hair is exceptionally strong and has a longer lifespan.

3. Natural Texture:
It maintains the natural texture and can be dyed and styled just like one's own hair.

4. High Quality:
Virgin hair is collected from a single donor, and the cuticles are aligned in one direction, reducing tangling and matting.

Remy Hair
1. Natural Look: It closely resembles the look and feel of natural hair, making it blend seamlessly with one's own hair.
2. Variety: Remy hair is available in different textures, such as straight, wavy, and curly, and various lengths and colors.Certainly, here's an additional advantage for Remy hair:
3. Cost-Effective Options: Remy hair is available at a range of price points, making it suitable for those looking for more budget-friendly options, ideal for short-term wear, special events, DIY projects, and more.
Different grades of virgin hair.
Take Tape Hair for example.
Currently, there are limited options in the market that meet the standards for virgin hair, and there are various grades. Sunny Hair consistently provides the highest quality grade of virgin hair.